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分享 Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill
admin 2011-4-18 21:12
1171 次閱讀|1 個評論
分享 (notes on) biology
admin 2011-4-11 22:29
1139 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Today Only
admin 2011-4-6 22:52
1259 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Drawing Inspiration
admin 2011-4-1 20:45
1118 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Expanding Anyway
admin 2011-3-28 22:00
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=14304059 詭異而富實驗精神的MV Our new music video for MORNING TELEPORTATION. Created with a vast array of materials, found objects, and crayola marker drawings, this pile of nonsense mixes stop motion, live action, motion graphics, and a little bit ...
416 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Blue Whale
admin 2011-3-25 23:10
434 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 推薦 Japanese Talents
yuri 2011-3-22 22:02
1759 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 南投茶園單車行
biker168 2011-3-21 21:17
週日, 2011-03-20 05:00 — 張慧芬 分享 作者:Michael Turton(長庚大學講師) 翻譯:張慧芬 又是一個很棒的週末,跟一群老夥伴們騎著單車到美麗的南投山區;這一次我們朝著溪頭地區的茶園前進。 星期五晚上,我們一行人從台中啟程騎到了集集。集集是一個知名的觀光旅遊區,每到週末便遊客 ...
1051 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 任何你喜歡的顏色
astro 2011-3-1 18:18
1231 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 chico and rita
facework123 2011-2-17 10:19
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=14962358 Celebrating its 14th year, this autumn’s festival presents a dynamic compilation of cutting edge cinematic expressions in the form of short films, promos, animation, interactive experiences and feature films, with an emphasis on exp ...
2786 次閱讀|沒有評論


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