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分享 High-styles Oceanfront Residence
facework123 2010-12-4 21:04
High-styles Oceanfront Residence by James Biber of Pentagram ArchitectsNovember 21st, 2010 - Posted in Architecture , House Design Majestic stand on 75 ft above shoreline, this High-styles Waterfront Estate in Montauk, New York, United States offering a spectacular o ...
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分享 Black Sun
熱度 1 Babyface 2010-12-4 20:40
Black Sun: Fannie Schiavoni Simon Henwood Talk Art, Music, Collaboration Japanese Fashion Posted on December 2, 2010 in: Features , Interviews , Tokyo Fashion News | Be the first to Comment » Henwood has had a prolific career as a painter, writer, film direc ...
2352 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 駭人的沙塵暴
biker168 2010-12-3 20:59
On the move: A massive sand storm hits a village in Golmud in the Qinghai Province. The region is near the edge of the Gobi desert 源自內蒙戈壁沙漠,駭人的沙塵暴景象(中國青海省) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1282835/Desert-storm-Huge-cloud-sand-descends-Chi ...
1258 次閱讀|1 個評論
分享 Steampunk Fashion
熱度 2 yuri 2010-12-3 17:18
Gorgeous Steampunk Jewelry by London Particulars December 2nd in: Fashion We’ve already featured on the pages of BeautifulLife various jewelry in steampunk style. And every time they became quite popular among our readers. Today we also want to show you steampunk jewelry c ...
936 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Sharing the Art of Living Well
熱度 2 yuri 2010-12-3 17:00
http://www.luxuryculture.com/home.html?gotourl=LN/features/0000615/luxury-now/the_latest_in_gourmet_architecture_fashion_and_motors 很喜歡這種奢華又帶點復古的藝術氛圍...
624 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 單車遊台灣/騎進新店的湖光山色 (推薦行程)
biker168 2010-12-2 23:17
新店溪猴湖、直潭沿線,騎在山光水色環繞中的單車踏遊,相當愜意。(記者謝禮仲攝影) 記者謝禮仲/台北報導‧攝影 都會生活的單車愛好者,總期望能有除了單車專用道以外,車輛少而風景佳的踏騎路徑,台北縣新店溪集水區的碧潭、灣潭、直潭,直到燕子湖地區,便是一條「不走回頭路」的環狀單車賞 ...
747 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Pleasantville
Babyface 2010-11-30 17:42
歡樂谷的顏色  2000.12.4 又是一部有關伊甸園的電影,只不過「歡樂谷」(Pleasantville)輕盈得多。 大衛和珍妮佛是一對個性截然不同的兄妹。生活在破碎家庭,愛滋病蔓延、環境敗壞的現代,個性內斂的大衛寄情於電視上的黑白影集「歡樂谷」,沈浸在劇中五十年代保守甜美的天地中;作風新潮前衛的珍妮佛則追 ...
318 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 張愛玲寫給女人的49句話
熱度 1 fish 2010-11-29 00:08
1.就算眼前的這個男人,千般好,萬般好,處處是優點,他不愛你,這個缺點,你永遠改變不了 。 2.分手時,不哭。當然,不是要你一點都不哭。當著面,別哭,背地裏,往死裏哭。 3.一個人最大的缺點,不是自私、野蠻、任性,而是偏執的愛著一個不愛自己的人 。 4.不管你的條件有多差,總會有個人在愛你。不管你的條 ...
1175 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 有一天我們可不可以這樣相愛……
fish 2010-11-29 00:05
習慣了在寂靜的深夜書寫感性的文字,不求幾個人可以看懂,只是希望擾亂我思緒的那個人能夠感受,這一夜的思慮,這一刻的感念,只因為你,讓我牽掛的人。 城市中的我們,已很難看到漫天閃爍的星空。卻還是在某個月半星稀的夜,對著那隱隱的光點默念著不能說的心願。 有一天我們可不可以這樣相愛,沒有任何負 ...
1079 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Kindergarden, South Tyrol
熱度 1 astro 2010-11-28 19:34
Interactive floor plan: Kindergarden, South Tyrol ARCHITECTURE By Ellie Stathaki Located in South Tyrol, Italy, this elegant new kindergarten was designed by Vienna- and Bolzano-based architects Feld72 ; the same team behind the 2006 Wine Centre in close-by Kaltern and the Public ...
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