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YouTube Play: Live from the Guggenheim facework123 2011-1-14 15200 admin 2011-1-14 23:48
Top 20 Trends in 2011 Forecast - The 2011 Trend Report facework123 2011-1-14 14181 facework123 2011-1-14 22:48
Introducing Victoria's Secret Swim 2011 admin 2011-1-13 15572 astro 2011-1-13 20:26
Ultimate Base Jump astro 2011-1-12 23763 astro 2011-1-12 00:41
請停止消費單身女性! yuri 2011-1-10 03419 yuri 2011-1-10 20:52
Day in the Life - Erica Hosseini / Ultimate Wave Tahiti World Premiere biker168 2011-1-10 03141 biker168 2011-1-10 06:04
長得像貓熊的可愛小乳牛... XD Babyface 2011-1-7 15137 astro 2011-1-7 19:02
騎小綿羊的飆車仔 看看真本事! biker168 2011-1-6 25543 facework123 2011-1-7 14:09
請發起反煙火運動! Babyface 2011-1-4 04683 Babyface 2011-1-4 22:23
Love Letters - An Animated Proposal astro 2011-1-3 14906 Babyface 2011-1-4 17:24
小小「快樂腳」真實上演 :) Babyface 2011-1-2 04445 Babyface 2011-1-2 22:22
Happy New Year 2011 yuri 2010-12-31 02996 yuri 2010-12-31 16:10
部落孩子的求學路 biker168 2010-12-30 04131 biker168 2010-12-30 19:40
Beers Filling Up Through the Bottom Babyface 2010-12-28 02696 Babyface 2010-12-28 14:31
BMW - Flash Projection astro 2010-12-23 02451 astro 2010-12-23 21:08
Future of Screen Technology...情色的運用面會是什麼? astro 2010-12-22 04197 astro 2010-12-22 19:04
侯孝賢談日本導演 小津安二郎 (日本專訪影片) Babyface 2010-12-22 03005 Babyface 2010-12-22 17:48
蘇飛雅的占星密碼- Sophia's Astrology Code fish 2010-12-22 13238 fish 2010-12-22 17:14
美國無人攝影系統實績 Telemetrics astro 2010-12-21 03062 astro 2010-12-21 23:47
「台灣」名號極地發光 陳彥博奪南極100公里超馬亞軍! astro 2010-12-20 13088 astro 2010-12-20 10:39

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